The World faces unprecedented climate change challenges in the coming years. The PV energy revolution is underway, transforming the world's energy supply into one that is sustainable and secure. Next Phase Solar is part of the renewable solution by maximizing the performance if solar power systems and environmental benefits.
太陽光電裝設後,定期檢查是特別的重要。定期檢查應由碩盈能源的員專業人員執行。原則上檢查及測試作業是在地面上進行,依個別系統的設置環境等其他理由,檢查者在確認安全的情況下,始於裝設點(屋頂上)進行檢查。若發現異常時,須與製造商或專門的技術者 (配線相關的電氣施工業者) 討論,並由專業人員排除。